Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Code idiotie / Color-coded challenged

Vous prévoyez un voyage et voilà que depuis le 11 septembre 2001, tout est beaucoup plus compliqué que jamais. Non seulement vous devez être limité dans le nombre de bagages que vous amenez, mais également, vous devez porter attention de ne pas avoir votre couteau Suisse dans votre poche ou du liquide dans votre sac à main. Évidemment, j’allais oublié le fameux système de couleur instauré par l’administration Bush.

C’est bien simple, chaque fois que j’ai pris l’avion, c’était toujours code rouge. Quel timing! Avec le code rouge, tout prends plus de temps à l’aéroport. Eh qu’on aime ca donner la frousse aux passagers!

Finalement, quelqu’un avec une cervelle a décidé de modifier le tout. L’administration Obama a commencé à reviser les codes-couleurs.

Cette invention a été la tête de turque de plusieurs humoristes tel que Jay Leno qui disait le 14 mars 2002: “Comme hier, apparemment, c’est passé du bleu au rose et maintenant, la moitié du pays pensent qu’on est enceinte. Pour vous donner une idée à quel point ce système est sophistiqué, aujourd’hui, on a ajouté du carreauté au tableau au cas où nous serions attaqué par les Écossais.”

Avec ce système, vaut mieux prendre son mal en patience et rire un peu! Pour en savoir plus:


You plan a trip soon and since September 11, 2001, everything is more complicated than ever. Not only you are limited to the number of luggage you travel with but also, pay attention to not head to the airport with a Swiss Army knife in your pocket or lots of fluid in your purse. Of course, I was going to forget the infamous Homeland Security Color-coded system, created by the Bush administration.

It is really simple, every time I took the plane, it was always a red code. What a timing! With red code, everything takes longer at the airport. Ah, they just love to scare people!

Finally, somebody with a brain decided to modify the system. The Obama administration started to revise the color-coded.

This system has been the joke of the day of many stand-up comics such as Jay Leno who said on March 14th, 2002: “Like yesterday, apparently, went from blue to pink and now half the country thinks we're pregnant. To give you an idea how sophisticated this system is, today they added a plaid in case we were ever attacked by Scotland."

With this system, it is better to be patient and laugh about it… a bit! To read more about this:


bibi said...

hahahaha!!!!!! the thing with the swiss knife is funny... but it doesnt happen only on the usa. I experienced the same in nepal - when I forgot to move my swiss knife from my daypack to the main-luggage... and at the airport when they were checking my hand-luggage were asking me: do you have any weapons or lighters in your handluggage.. and of course I said NO -hahaha... as I simply had forgotten about this knife... and the guy started checking my rucksack... and then came out with my knife - oops! I really felt caught in flagrante delicto and had a bad conscious... more than I pitied to loose my knife. - well, and when told me that he for bad luck had to to confiscate it, I offered him to give it to him... but he might not take it of course. but i guess it will have found its way to the local market of thamel in kathmandu. so finally I did a good deed, i suppose ;-)

well, and what do complain about the number of your luggage??? hahahaha... but okay.. maybe youre a woman... and when woman - at least normal ones - go to travel they have quite an effort with packing their stuff... but, nathalie, you should go on an expedition -hehehehehe... then you would learn what careful packing REALLY means... 30kg... and the stuff for 7 weeks in the lonelyness... bet you would break into tears... - normally when I do a normal trip - lets say to china (Im from germany btw), I need about 2H to pack my stuff... and its about 13 kilos for 3 weeks. - but when I have to pack for an expedition, I need two weeks... and I think... a normal woman would need FOUR -hehehe.

and this april, when I travelled to nepal again... for the first time in my life they asked for lighters - no, not in the hand-luggage - but in the main-luggage... and we had to take it out. and the lighters we need are special ones... and we had the stress to find new ones in nepal... - yes, security is a complicated thing nowadays... and in the usa anyway. - when you go there from germany, you have to fill out a form in the aircraft... and they are asking you amusing questions like: do you want to import a bomb... - and I dont want to experience what might happen, when you would makr the yes-checkbox as a joke. I guess, you would spend your usa-holidays in jail... hahaha.

what all heavens is a red code??? I have no idea...

Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

Thanks Bibi for your comment. Yes, it is a real mental challenge to remember what we have in the pockets before heading to the airport.

Yes, I pack too much but I often carry stuff in my suitcase for the 4 of us. I have travelled to NY once by myself and the bag was really light. It makes a difference to travel alone or with kids.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me! :-)

Anonymous said...

naaah, was my plessure too... and yeah, to travel with kids is quite a challenge. I cant speak of own kids... but have travelled with kids too. one of the problems is, that they taking away your concentration. - but when you go on an expedition, the problem is, that you finally must look for the gram. and on the other hand may not forget a single thing. when you miss sth lateron, you cant buy anything in the wilderness. - naaah, no need of that.

so did you like NYC? as for me... I like it and felt at home there. okay, the skyscrapers of course are outstanding... but people are the same than where I live.

another question: is there any of your artwork online? :-))) which kind of artwork are you in??? - uih...and now I must write the verification word... it is::: imblimba (I hope -hahaha) ;-)))

eeehm... and why is there only an option for a google account? do you like google mail? I dislike it... because of this thread-structure... I prefer sequential stroing of my mail-items... - last time I already signed with my website... so now I try "anonymous" -hahaha - hava good time...

Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

The thing that is great about traveling with kids is that you get to see the world through a child's eyes. Little details that adults might not see, a child will.

Of course, traveling with kids mean being more organized & one can never leave the house without food or water because you know that once they are in a vehicle or a plane, the first thing they will tell you is "I'm hungry!" or "I'm thirsty!" :-)

Yes, i did like New York city very much. I enjoyed it for walking opportunity and felt the art vibes a lot while I was there.

Yes, I am an artist who is actually starting my e-commerce. We have a limited number of personalized cards (printed cards). Our urls are and

I have other blogs for art but haven't used it in over a year so I turned it off. It was mostly for school purpose & with the business, I don't have time to maintain it as much.

Thank you for your comment & to read my blog.

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