Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Found Your Camera

Regardez-bien la collection de photos ci-bas et reconnaissez-vous les gens ou les sites? Chaque photo que vous verrez sur le site IFoundYourCamera provient d’une caméra ou un “memory stick” trouve en quelque part dans le monde. Les photos proviennent d’aussi loin que le Japon, l’Irlande, l’Australie, Iceland, Dubai et sûrement de votre coin de pays.

Le site, créé en 2007, par Matt Prepost, un Canadien de Winnipeg qui désirait aider les gens qui perdaient leur caméra durant leur vacances. Son blog est visité par plus de 100,000 pers0nnes par mois. Certains ont perdus leur caméra mais d’autres visionnent les photos en espoir de reconnaitre quelqu’un qu’ils connaissent.

Le site de Prepost est basé sur le bon karma et c’est exactement le but premier du site. Voyez-vous des gens que vous reconnaissez sur son site?


Look carefully at the collection of photos below and do you recognize people or places? Each photo you see on the site IFoundYourCamera is from a camera or a "Memory Stick" lost somewhere in the world. The photos come from as far away as Japan, Ireland, Australia, Iceland, Dubai and also, surely, your neck of the woods.

The site, created in 2007 by Matt Prepost, a Canadian from Winnipeg who wanted to help people who lost their camera during their vacation. His blog is visited by over 100,000 people a month. Some have lost their camera but others are viewing the photos in hopes of recognizing someone they know.

The site is based on good karma and that is exactly the purpose of the site. Do you see people you recognize on his site?


A Colorful World said...

I had no idea such a site existed. My cousin lost her camera many years ago. I wonder how long the site posts the photos!

SilhouetteParisienne said...

J'aime beaucoup ton blog :)

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