Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Big Build

À travers la saga de construction des trois dernieres années, l’aéroport international de Sacramento a été surnomme le "Big Build” et ressemble plus comme une galerie géante d'art. Le Terminus Central B a de nombreux restaurants locaux et un programme de $8 millions éclatant d'art.

Il y a assez de raisons pour manquer votre avion…


Throughout its three years construction saga, Sacramento International Airport’s new terminal has been knicknamed the “Big Build” and feels more like a giant art gallery. Central Terminal B rolls out a wave of local restaurants and its eye-popping $8 million art program.

There are enough reasons to miss your plane…


Sandra said...

That sounds cool. I, who travel a lot, would think it was really fun to visit a place like that :)

Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

Yes, I like what they did at that airport. More and more airports have either a permanent art exhibit or temporary exhibits. i think it is a cool way to see art while waiting in between planes.

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