Monday, March 5, 2012

Hanging Rock Comics

Qu’est-ce que ca fait d’avoir 17 ans et d’avoir 15,000 fans? Demandez-le à Taylor–Ruth Baldwin, une jeune artiste de l’Indiana qui s’est mise à mettre en ligne sa bande dessinée.

Pendant que Twitter a Ashton Kutcher et Demi Moore comme célébrité et YouTube a Justin Bieber, Tumblr était orphelin jusqu’à ce que Baldwin y fait acte de présence. Ayant dessinée toute sa vie, Taylor-Ruth Baldwin a publiée sa première bande dessinée en ligne pour contrer sa frustration. Elle ignorait à l’époque qu’elle aurait autant de lecteurs.

Il y a ouï-dire que President Obama est un fan fini de Tumblr également… Qui sait s’il est également un lecteur de Baldwin.


What does it feel to be 17 and have 15,000 fans? Ask Taylor-Ruth Baldwin, a young Indiana State artist who has put online her cartoon.

While Twitter has Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore and YouTube has Justin Bieber, Tumblr was orphan until Baldwin’s presence became a hit. Taylor-Ruth Baldwin has been an artist all her life and last summer, she decided to post her first cartoon online to vent a frustration. Little did she knew the impact it would cause and how many readers started following her.

There is a gossip around saying that President Obama is also a Tumblr fan… Who knows if he is also one of Baldwin’s readers.


Unknown said...

Hi my dear,
I found your blog by chance, while peeking others and I decided to check it out! I’m glad I did it, because I am really delighted with yours. It's beautiful, well structured, interesting, sweet amazing... If you love mine too,I'd like to invite you to follow mine . I’d be very pleased.,,,Then I'll follow you back!!!


Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

Hi Francesca,

Thank you for the very nice comment. I love the photos and the content on your fashion blog. I am following your blog, GFC and Facebook too.


christian said...

love the work she made!
want to keep in touch and follow echother?

Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

Hi Christian.

Thank you for your comment. I am following your blog now. Hope you will follow mine.

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