Sunday, July 24, 2011

The High Ground

J’ai eue le plaisir et le privilège de recevoir en cadeau, il y a quelques mois, un livre d’un ami. Ce livre, “The High Ground”, raconte l’histoire émouvante du soldat Ty Nichols qui a servi son pays pendant un an au Vietnam.

L’auteur, Daryl Fisher, est un journaliste pour le West Sacramento News-Ledger. Il a servi son pays pour la guerre du Vietnam et s’est inspiré de son vécu pour écrire ce livre. Il a été soldat pendant plusieurs années avant de prendre sa retraite en ayant le titre de sergeant. Il vit à Sacramento avec sa femme Mary Lynn et ses quatres enfants: Carrie, Ty, Paul et Kyle et un petit-enfant, Riley.

Ce livre m’a fait découvrir les hauts et les bats de cette guerre et des courageux soldats qui se sont dévoué corps et âme pour leur pays. Dès que j’ai débutée ce livre, je ne pouvais plus le fermer. Plusieurs paragraphes m’ont fait rigoler mais d’autres m’ont également fait verser des larmes. C’est un livre que je recommende fortement.

Je suis contente de l’avoir lue car cela m’a permis de non seulement découvrir une page d’histoire mais également un ami. Car voyez-vous, Daryl Fisher n’est pas seulement l’auteur du livre mais il est un ami. Il est celui qui m’a donné le livre.

Merci Daryl pour ce merveilleux cadeau!


I had the pleasure and privilege to receive as a gift, a few months ago, a book from a friend. This book, “The High Ground”, tells the moving story of private Private Ty Nichols' seemingly endless 365-day tour of duty in Vietnam, told with the honesty and humor of a youthful and kind-hearted infantryman simply trying to make it to the next day.

The author, Daryl Fisher, is a features Editor for his hometown newspaper, the West Sacramento News-Ledger. He served his country in the Vietnam war and was inspired by his experience to write a book. He was in the army for years before retiring as a sergeant’s title. He lives in Sacramento with his wife, Mary Lynn, and his four children: Carrie, Ty, Paul and Kyle and a grandchild, Riley.

This book has helped me discovered the ups and downs of this war and the courageous soldiers that gave their life for their country.When I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. Many paragraphs made me laughed while others brought tears to my eyes. It is a book I highly recommend.

I am glad to have read this book because it allowed me to not only discovered an important page of the history but also a friend. Because, believe it or not, Daryl Fisher is not only the author of this book but he is also a friend. He is the one who gave me the book.

Thank you Daryl for this wonderful gift!

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