Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Santa Cruz

Ce matin, nous avons goute au tsunami, une repercussion du tremblement de terre qui a eu lieu au Japon. On estime qu'environ 30 a 40 bateaux ont ete endommages et les dommages sont evalues a environ 15 millions de dollars.

Les forces policieres tiennent le public au loin pour l'instant.

J'ai ete constatee les degats en personne plus tot et j'inclus ci-bas des photos et un video de l'evenement. C'est vraiment le sujet de conversation de l'heure dans notre coin!



This morning, we had a tsunami taste, an after-taste of the Japan earthquake. We estimate that between 30 and 40 boats were damaged and the damage estimation is about $15M.

Police authorities has closed the area to the public for now.

I went by the Yacht Harbor earlier to look at the damages and I included some photos and a video underneath. All I can tell you: it is the subject of conversation of the day in our area!


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