Monday, April 4, 2011

Beth Shady

Cette semaine, je vous amène à Santa Cruz pour notre femme d’affaire à succès dans la Silicon Valley. Beth Shady, une récente graduée summa cum laude de Full Sail University avec une maîtrise en marketing internet, est la directrice marketing et développement de la compagnie Sustainable Design and Product Management, une compagnie en génie mécanique qui se spécialise dans l’énergie renouvable.

Mère de cinq enfants, quatre chats, trois chiens, deux poissons et un oiseau dans une famille reconstituée, elle partage son temps entre son bureau et ses nombreux blogues, dont et JustImaginate.

Les gens peuvent se vanter d’être trop occupée pour faire autre chose que le boulot mais Beth nous prouve qu’elle a de l’énergie à revendre!


This week, I am bringing you to Santa Cruz for my chronicle about successful Silicon Valley businesswomen. Beth Shady, a recent summa cum laude Full Sail University graduate with a master in Internet Marketing, is the marketing director and development of Sustainable Design and Product Management, a mechanical engineering company that specialize in renewable energy.

Mother of five children, four cats, three dogs, two fishes and a bird in a blended family, she shares her busy schedule between her office and her numerous blogs, including and JustImaginate.

People can pretend they are busy enough with their job but Beth is proving us that she has spare energy to do it all.

I am mom and stepmom in a blended family of five kids, four cats, three dogs, two fish and a bird. I write about our daily lives in my blog I also have a craft and activity blog called JustImaginate. I am a marketing consultant and am currently working with my husband to market and develop renewable energy products that he has designed and invented for our company, Sustainable Design and Product Management. I am working on my master's degree in Internet Marketing and on becoming a LEED AP.

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