En poursuivant ma série des Américains riches et célèbres et les luxes qu’ils aiment s’acheter, aujourd’hui je parle d’un luxe que peu de gens de ma connaissance désirerait. Par contre, avec mes études universitaire en art, c’est un emploi qui me plairait bien… surtout avec le salaire qu’on paye!!!
Vous êtes amateur d’art, vous avez un bon porte-feuille mais n’avez pas le temps de vous rendre en Europe ou à l’encan Christie’s pour acheter de nouveaux tableaux pour votre collection? Pas de problème! Engagez-vous un acheteur d’art. Pour une commission de 10% de la valeur du tableau acheté ainsi que 300$/heure, votre acheteur d’art ira au quatre coins du monde pour vous dénicher le parfait tableau.
Si vous résidez dans la région de San Francisco, j’ai une suggestion d’acheteur d’art pour vous: Steven Platzman at Addison Fine Arts. http://www.addisonfinearts.com/fine.html.
Qui a dit que travailler dans le milieu des arts est un emploi de crève-faim?
While pursuing my series of chronicles about rich and famous Americans that enjoy special luxuries, today, I am talking about a luxury that very few people I know would like to afford. However, with my university art studies, it is a profession that would please me a lot… especially with the salary that comes with it!!!
You are an art collector, have a thick wallet but have no time to go to Europe or the Christie’s auction to buy new paintings to add to your collection? No problems! Treat yourself with an art buyer! For 10 percent of the value of the artwork plus $300 an hour, your art buyer will go around the world to find the perfect painting to add to your collection.
If you live in the San Francisco area, I have an art buyer to suggest: Steven Platzman at Addison Fine Arts. http://www.addisonfinearts.com/fine.html
Who said that working in the art field was living in poverty?
While pursuing my series of chronicles about rich and famous Americans that enjoy special luxuries, today, I am talking about a luxury that very few people I know would like to afford. However, with my university art studies, it is a profession that would please me a lot… especially with the salary that comes with it!!!
You are an art collector, have a thick wallet but have no time to go to Europe or the Christie’s auction to buy new paintings to add to your collection? No problems! Treat yourself with an art buyer! For 10 percent of the value of the artwork plus $300 an hour, your art buyer will go around the world to find the perfect painting to add to your collection.
If you live in the San Francisco area, I have an art buyer to suggest: Steven Platzman at Addison Fine Arts. http://www.addisonfinearts.com/fine.html
Who said that working in the art field was living in poverty?
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