Thursday, June 10, 2010

Concours BP / BP Contest

Avez-vous de l'imagination a revendre? Si oui, voici un concours qui va vous plaire! La International Institute for Ecological Agriculture a recemment lance un concours: Donnez un nouveau nom a la British Petroleum.

Les dommages ecologiques causes par le recent incident de la BP sont inquietant et la majorite des gens en veulent a la compagnie. Les 10 meilleures nominations seront postees le 4 juillet au site web de l'institut, and the grand gagnant sera courronne le 12 juillet prochain et se meritera un prix en argent.

Bonne chance!

Do you have lots of imagination? If so, here is a contest that you will love! The International Institute for Ecological Agriculture recently launched a new contest: ReName the British Petroleum contest.

The ecological damages caused by the recent BP incident are enormous and the majority of people are fairly upset about it. The top 10 nominations will be posted on July 4th at the Institute website and the grand winner will be announced on July 12 and will be awarded a cash prize.

Good luck!

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