Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Le plus vert des verts! / The greenest of the green!

Est-ce que le nom de David Gottfried vous dit quelque chose? Si vous êtes un fan de l’industrie verte, vous savez sûrement qui il est.

Gottfried est le fondateur de la U.S. Green Building Council. L’an dernier, en remodelant sa maison, il a décroché le titre de la maison la plus éco-friendly des USA. On estime que sa maison est à 75% plus efficace que la version originale.

Un vrai honneur pour ce consultant en industrie “verte”!


Does the name of David Gottfried rings a bell to you? If you are a fan of the green industry, you probably know who he is.

Gottfried is the founder of the U.S. Green Building Council. Last year, while remodeling his house, it got the title of being America’s most eco-friendly house. We estimate that his house is 75% more efficient than the original version.

A true honor for this green consultant!


Mike Nelson Pedde said...

Bonjour! Your link is coming through as: which unfortunately doesn't work.

This one does, though:


Nathalie St-Pierre Roths said...

Thanks Mike for noticing the missing link. I fixed the problem. :-)


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