Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Goodbye Janene!

Qui a le plus beau sourire de Google? Tous vous diront que la jolie Janene López-Fairfield. C’est avec regret que nous ne verrons plus ce rayon de soleil quotidien dans notre département car hier, c’était sa dernière journée au boulot parmi nous.

Étant douée d’une patience d’ange, rêvant du jour où elle ira vivre en Italie et, particulièrement, ayant du talent en danse, Janene sera surement un bon atout pour la prochaine compagnie qui l’engagera. Ayant fait des études en psychologie et science politique à la Santa Clara University, nous lui souhaitons la meilleure des chances pour tout ses projets futures.

Garde contact Janene!


Who has the most dazzling smile at Google? Everybody would tell you that it is the gorgeous looking Janene López-Fairfield. It is with great sadness that we won’t see this sunshine in our department because yesterday was her last day among us at work.

Granted with incredible patience, dreaming the day where she will live in Italy and, particularly, having talent in dance, Janene will be a great asset for the next company that will hire her. She studied psychology and political science at Santa Clara University. We wish her all the best in her future projects.

Keep in touch Janene!

Janene López-Fairfield

Janene & Nathalie

Janene & Smita

Brad, Nathalie, Stefan, Janene, Christina,
Elizabeth, Sonia & Smita

Brad, Jussi, Stefan, Janene, Christina,
Elizabeth, Sonia & Smita

Brad, Jussi, Stefan, Mbali, Janene, Christina,
Elizabeth, Sonia & Smita

Jussi, Janene & Walter

Janene & Tiago

Janene & Gisle

Janene & Mbali

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